WXII 12 News Station Interior Design
Environmental Design / Creative Direction / Graphic Design / Print Production
Designing large format wall designs for WXII 12 News involved researching and showcasing the history, prominent partnerships, and the cultural tapestry of North Carolina's Triad region. These large format wall designs not only capture the essence of WXII 12 News but also foster a sense of connection within the station for employees and visitors.
WXII 12 History Walls
The WXII 12 history wall designs serve as a canvas to showcase WXII station's evolution, highlighting key milestones and memorable moments in its history, using iconic imagery and logos.
NBC Walls
Emphasizing WXII 12's partnerships with NBC, the design features vintage photos, NBC’s iconic colors and the peacock symbol; celebrating significant broadcasts and moments in television history.
Triad History Walls
The WXII Triad History wall design is dedicated to showcasing the history of iconic figures in North Carolina; the localized design recognizes individuals who have made lasting contributions to the community and greater North Carolina.
Triad CW Walls
The Triad CW walls feature vibrant visual elements reflective of Hearst Television’s national Local Vibe branding.